بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَٰنِ الرَّحِيمِ

✨ How to Perform Istinja in Islam✨

How to Perform Istinja in Islam
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How to Istinja Urinate

What is Istinja in Islam?

From the Qur’an

  1. General Importance of Purification:
    • “Indeed, Allah loves those who constantly turn to Him in repentance and loves those who purify themselves.”
      (Surah Al-Baqarah, 2:222)
  2. Avoiding Impurity:
    • “And your clothing purify.”
      (Surah Al-Muddathir, 74:4)
      This verse emphasizes the importance of cleanliness, including after using the toilet.

From Hadith

  1. Seeking Refuge Before Entering the Toilet:
    • The Prophet ﷺ said:
      “When one of you goes to relieve himself, let him say: ‘Allahumma inni a’udhu bika minal-khubthi wal-khaba’ith’ (O Allah, I seek refuge with You from the male and female devils).”
      (Sahih al-Bukhari, Hadith 142; Sahih Muslim, Hadith 375)
  2. Avoiding the Qibla:
    • The Prophet ﷺ said:
      “When you go to relieve yourself, do not face the Qibla or turn your back towards it; rather, face east or west.”
      (Sahih al-Bukhari, Hadith 394; Sahih Muslim, Hadith 264)
  3. Cleaning with Water (Istinja):
    • Aisha (RA) narrated:
      “The Prophet ﷺ said: ‘When you go to relieve yourself, clean yourself with three stones, and that will suffice for you.'”
      (Sahih al-Bukhari, Hadith 156; Sahih Muslim, Hadith 271)
      However, using water is better and more recommended, as the Prophet ﷺ practiced it.
  4. Punishment for Neglecting Cleanliness:
    • The Prophet ﷺ passed by two graves and said:
      “They are being punished, but not for a major sin. One of them used not to shield himself from his urine, and the other used to walk around spreading gossip.”
      (Sahih al-Bukhari, Hadith 218; Sahih Muslim, Hadith 292)
  5. Avoid Urinating in Certain Places:
    • The Prophet ﷺ said:
      “Beware of those acts that cause curses: relieving oneself in shaded areas (that people use), in a walkway, or in a water source.”
      (Sunan Abi Dawood, Hadith 26)
  6. Dua After Leaving the Toilet:
    • The Prophet ﷺ would say:
      “Ghufranaka (I seek Your forgiveness).”
      (Sunan Ibn Majah, Hadith 300; Jami’ at-Tirmidhi, Hadith 7)


  • Qur’an emphasizes purification and cleanliness.
  • Hadith provides detailed instructions on how to maintain hygiene and avoid impurity, including using water (Istinja), avoiding facing the Qibla, and protecting oneself from urine splashes.

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A Complete Guide to Islamic Hygiene ✨

🌟 Table of Contents

  1. 🌟 Introduction to Istinja in Islam

  2. 🚽 How to Perform Istinja in Islam: Step-by-Step Guide

  3. 💧 Istinja with Water: Best Practices

  4. 🧻 Istinja with Tissue: When Water is Unavailable

  5. 🕌 Importance of Istinja in Islam

  6. 🧼 Islamic Hygiene Practices: Beyond Istinja

  7. 📖 Frequently Asked Questions About Istinja

  8. ✨ Conclusion: How to Perform Istinja in Islam

🌟 Introduction to Istinja in Islam

Istinja, the act of cleaning oneself after urination or defecation, is an essential part of Islamic hygiene. This how to perform istinja in Islam guide provides a comprehensive exploration of the practice, offering step-by-step instructions, the importance of istinja, and its spiritual and health benefits. Whether you’re new to Islam or seeking a refresher, this guide will help you understand and perform istinja correctly.

🚽 How to Perform Istinja in Islam: Step-by-Step Guide

🔄 Step 1: Use Water for Cleaning

Water is the preferred method for performing istinja in Islam. This how to perform istinja in Islam guide explains how to use water effectively to ensure thorough cleanliness.

🧴 Step 2: Use Tissue if Water is Unavailable

When water is not available, tissue or similar materials can be used. This section provides guidelines for performing istinja with tissue while maintaining hygiene.

💧 Istinja with Water: Best Practices

🚿 Using a Lotah or Water Bottle

A lotah (a small water vessel) or water bottle is commonly used for istinja. This how to perform istinja in Islam guide explains how to use these tools effectively.

🧽 Proper Cleaning Techniques

Thorough cleaning is essential to ensure purity. This section provides detailed instructions on how to clean oneself properly after using the toilet.

🧻 Istinja with Tissue: When Water is Unavailable

🧻 Using Tissue Correctly

When water is unavailable, tissue can be used for istinja. This how to perform istinja in Islam guide explains the proper way to use tissue for cleaning.

⚠️ Limitations of Using Tissue

While tissue is a convenient alternative, it has limitations. This section discusses why water is preferred and how to minimize the drawbacks of using tissue.

🕌 Importance of Istinja in Islam

🕋 Spiritual Significance of Istinja

Istinja is not just about physical cleanliness but also spiritual purity. This how to perform istinja in Islam guide explains the spiritual benefits of maintaining hygiene.

🏥 Health Benefits of Istinja

Proper hygiene practices like istinja prevent infections and promote overall health. This section explores the health benefits of performing istinja regularly.

🧼 Islamic Hygiene Practices: Beyond Istinja

🛁 Wudu (Ablution) and Ghusl (Ritual Bath)

Wudu and ghusl are other essential hygiene practices in Islam. This how to perform istinja in Islam guide explains their importance and how they complement istinja.

🧴 General Hygiene in Islam

From oral hygiene to personal grooming, Islam emphasizes cleanliness in all aspects of life. This section provides an overview of Islamic hygiene practices.

📖 Frequently Asked Questions About Istinja

1. What is the best way to perform istinja?

The best way to perform istinja is with water, as it ensures thorough cleanliness. This how to perform istinja in Islam guide explains the proper techniques for using water.

2. Can I use tissue for istinja?

Yes, tissue can be used for istinja when water is unavailable. This section provides guidelines for using tissue effectively.

3. Why is istinja important in Islam?

Istinja is important for both physical cleanliness and spiritual purity. This how to perform istinja in Islam guide explores the significance of istinja in Islam.

✨ Conclusion: How to Perform Istinja in Islam

Istinja is a fundamental practice in Islam that promotes both physical and spiritual cleanliness. This how to perform istinja in Islam guide has provided a comprehensive overview of the practice, its importance, and its benefits. By following these guidelines, you can ensure that you perform istinja correctly and maintain the high standards of hygiene prescribed by Islam.

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