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Full Body Wash Ghussal

What is Full Body Wash Ghussal in Islam?

What is Ghusl (Full-body Wash)?

Ghusl is a special way of washing the whole body to become pure and clean in Islam. It is required in certain situations to perform acts of worship like prayer (Salah), fasting, or touching the Qur’an.

When is Ghusl Needed?

You must do Ghusl in these cases:

  1. After sexual activity (Janabah).
  2. After the end of menstruation or postnatal bleeding for women.
  3. After a wet dream or any discharge of semen.
  4. When converting to Islam (for new Muslims).
  5. Before the Friday (Jumu’ah) prayer or Eid prayer (recommended but not mandatory).

How to Perform Ghusl (Step-by-Step)

  1. Make an Intention (Niyyah):
    • In your heart, intend to purify yourself for worship.
  2. Say “Bismillah” (In the Name of Allah):
    • Begin by saying “Bismillah.”
  3. Wash Your Hands:
    • Wash both hands up to the wrists three times.
  4. Wash the Private Parts:
    • Clean your private parts thoroughly with water to remove any impurity.
  5. Perform Wudu (Ablution):
    • Do a complete Wudu as you would before prayer, but delay washing the feet until the end.
  6. Wash Your Head:
    • Pour water over your head three times. Make sure it reaches the roots of your hair.
  7. Wash Your Whole Body:
    • Wash your entire body, starting with the right side, then the left side. Ensure water reaches every part of your body, including underarms, behind the ears, and between fingers and toes.
  8. Wash Your Feet:
    • Finally, wash your feet if you didn’t do so during Wudu.

Important Things to Remember:

  • Use clean water.
  • Make sure no part of your body is left dry.
  • There is no specific dua (supplication) for Ghusl, but saying “Bismillah” at the start is important.

Why is Ghusl Important?

Ghusl is not just about physical cleanliness. It also makes you spiritually pure and ready to stand before Allah in worship. It is a way of showing respect and humility when performing acts of devotion

In depth Guidelines 

Guidelines for Performing Ghusl (Ritual Bath)

  1. Initial Steps:

    • Begin by washing both hands up to the wrists.
    • Wash the private parts, even if there is no visible impurity.
    • Remove any impurities from other parts of the body.
    • Perform wudu (ablution), ensuring that all steps are completed. If seated on a stool or a raised surface, wash the feet. However, if bathing in a place where water collects, delay washing the feet until after completing the ghusl.
  2. Pouring Water Over the Body:

    • Pour water over the head three times.
    • Pour water over the right shoulder three times, followed by the left shoulder three times, ensuring water reaches all parts of the body.
  3. Sunnah Method of Ghusl:

    • The above steps follow the Sunnah (Prophetic practice). However, some aspects are fard (obligatory), meaning ghusl is incomplete without them:
      • Gargling so that water reaches all parts of the mouth.
      • Rinsing the nose up to the soft bone.
      • Pouring water over the entire body, ensuring every part is washed.
  4. Additional Etiquette:

    • Avoid facing the qiblah while bathing.
    • Do not use excessive or insufficient water.
    • Bathe in a private place where others cannot see.
    • Refrain from talking during the bath.
    • After bathing, dry the body and cover oneself immediately.
  5. Bathing in an Open Space:

    • If alone in a secluded place, it is permissible to bathe unclothed. However, sitting while bathing is preferred for modesty.
    • Exposing the body between the navel and knees in front of others is prohibited.
  6. Intention and Automatic Completion of Ghusl:

    • Ghusl is complete as long as water reaches the entire body, including the mouth and nose, even if one does not specifically intend it.
    • For example, if a person stands in the rain or falls into water, and their entire body, mouth, and nose get wet, the ghusl is valid.
  7. Ensuring No Dry Spots Remain:

    • If any part of the body remains dry (even the size of a hair), the ghusl is incomplete.
    • If one forgets to wash an area, they should wash only that specific part rather than repeating the entire ghusl.
  8. Exception for Medical Conditions:

    • If washing the head is harmful due to illness, ghusl is still valid if the rest of the body is washed. However, once healed, the head should be washed separately.
  9. Special Considerations:

    • The foreskin of the private part must be washed thoroughly.
    • All hair must be completely wet. If hair is plaited, it is not necessary to unbraid it, but the roots must be fully wet.
    • Rings, earrings, and other jewelry should be moved to ensure water reaches the skin.
  10. Obstructions That Prevent Complete Ghusl:

    • If dough, wax, ointment, or dried blood prevents water from reaching the skin, it must be removed.
    • If someone had dried pus on their eye, it must be cleaned before performing wudu or ghusl.
    • Decorative items like lipstick, tinsel, or thick makeup must be washed off completely.
    • Food particles stuck between the teeth should be dislodged to ensure water reaches all areas of the mouth.
  11. Alternative Methods of Rinsing the Mouth:

    • If someone drinks water in such a way that it reaches all areas of the mouth, it suffices for rinsing.
    • However, if any part of the mouth remains dry, proper gargling is necessary.
  12. Applying Oils or Ointments:

    • If oil is applied in a way that allows water to flow over the skin without being absorbed, ghusl remains valid.
  13. Ensuring Water Reaches Key Areas:

    • Special attention should be given to washing inside the nose, navel, and behind the ears.
    • If any of these areas remain dry, ghusl is incomplete.
  14. Involuntary Completion of Ghusl:

    • If a person unintentionally completes ghusl (e.g., while swimming or standing in the rain), it is still valid.
  15. Final Checks:

    • Before completing ghusl, check that no cosmetic products, adhesives, or hardened substances block water from reaching the skin.
    • If any such barrier is found, it must be removed, and water should be poured over the affected area.

Acts That Make Ghusl Obligatory

1. Discharge of Semen with Desire

  • If semen is discharged due to passion—whether awake or asleep—ghusl becomes wajib. This includes cases where:

    • Semen is discharged by touching a person of the opposite sex.
    • It is triggered by thoughts or fantasies.
    • It occurs through any other means.
  • If a person wakes up and finds semen on their clothing or body, ghusl is obligatory, even if they do not recall a dream.

Difference Between Mazi (Pre-Coital Fluid) and Mani (Semen)

  • Mazi: A thin fluid that increases excitement. Its discharge does not require ghusl, but wudu breaks.
  • Mani (Semen): A thick fluid that brings satisfaction and cools passion. Its discharge makes ghusl obligatory.

2. Penetration

  • If the glans of the penis enters the vagina (even partially), ghusl becomes wajib, regardless of whether semen is discharged.
  • Anal intercourse also makes ghusl wajib. However, engaging in it is a major sin.

3. Menstruation and Postnatal Bleeding

  • When menstruation (haidh) ends, ghusl becomes obligatory.
  • When postnatal bleeding (nifaas) stops, ghusl becomes obligatory.
  • In summary, ghusl becomes obligatory in four cases:
    1. Discharge of semen with excitement.
    2. Penetration (vaginal or anal).
    3. Completion of menstruation.
    4. Completion of postnatal bleeding.

4. Additional Cases

  • If a person sees wetness after a dream but is unsure if it is semen or mazi, ghusl is obligatory.
  • If a little semen comes out, and after bathing, more comes out, ghusl must be repeated.
  • If semen is discharged without passion (due to illness, for example), ghusl is not obligatory, but wudu breaks.
  • If a husband and wife find semen stains on their bedsheet but do not know whose it is, both should perform ghusl as a precaution.

5. Recommended (Mustahab) Ghusl

  • When a non-Muslim accepts Islam, it is mustahab (recommended) for them to bathe.
  • After giving ghusl to a deceased person, it is mustahab to bathe.

6. Rules Regarding Ghusl

  • If someone upon whom ghusl is obligatory wants to eat or drink, they should first wash their hands, face, and gargle.
  • A person who needs to perform ghusl cannot:
    • Touch the Qur’an.
    • Recite the Qur’an.
    • Enter a masjid.
  • However, they can:
    • Recite dhikr, kalimah, and durood.
  • It is makruh (disliked) to touch books of tafsir without wudu, and haram to touch a Qur’an with translation.

Additional Rules of Ghusl

1. The First Cause: Discharge of Semen

  • If semen is ejaculated with desire but is later blocked (e.g., by cotton or hand) and comes out after the desire fades, ghusl is still fard.
  • If semen is discharged again after the first ghusl, ghusl must be repeated if:
    • It happens before sleeping.
    • It happens before urinating.
    • It happens before walking 40 steps.
  • If a person prayed salah before the second discharge, the salah remains valid.

2. The Second Cause: Penetration

  • If penetration occurs with desire, ghusl becomes fard for both partners, regardless of ejaculation.
  • If a woman inserts an object into her private part out of passion, ghusl becomes fard on her.

3. The Third Cause: Completion of Menstruation

  • After menstruation, ghusl is fard before performing acts of worship.

4. The Fourth Cause: Completion of Postnatal Bleeding

  • After nifaas, ghusl is fard before resuming worship.

Conditions When Ghusl Is Not Fard

  1. Semen Discharge Without Desire: If semen exits due to physical pressure (e.g., lifting a heavy weight, falling, or a sudden shock) without desire, ghusl is not fard.

  2. Intercourse with an Underage Girl: If a man has intercourse with a very young girl and no semen is discharged, ghusl is not fard.

  3. Intercourse with a Cloth Barrier: If a man wraps his penis with a thick cloth (preventing sensation and heat) during intercourse, ghusl is not fard. However, as a precaution, ghusl becomes wajib once the glans is inserted.

  4. Partial Insertion: If less than the glans of the penis is inserted, ghusl is not fard.

  5. Emission of Mazi or Wadi: Ghusl is not fard if only mazi (pre-ejaculatory fluid) or wadi (thick white discharge after urination) is discharged.

  6. Istihaada (Prolonged Non-Menstrual Bleeding): Ghusl is not fard in cases of istihaada.

  7. Continuous Semen Discharge Due to Illness: If a person has a medical condition causing continuous semen discharge, ghusl is not fard.

  8. Doubtful Wetness Upon Awakening: Ghusl is not fard in the following cases:

    • If one is certain the wetness is mazi.
    • If there is doubt whether the wetness is semen or wadi.
    • If there is doubt whether the wetness is mazi or wadi.
    • If one is certain it is wadi, even if they recall a wet dream.
    • If one is in doubt whether the wetness is mani (semen), mazi, or wadi and does not recall a wet dream.
    • Note: In some cases, as a precaution, ghusl is wajib according to the opinion of Imam Abu Hanifah and Imam Muhammad.
  9. Insertion into the Anus: Ghusl is not fard if something is inserted into the anus.

  10. Insertion into the Navel: If a man inserts his penis into the navel of a man or woman without ejaculation, ghusl is not fard.

  11. Dream of Ejaculation Without Wetness: If a person dreams of ejaculation but finds no wetness, ghusl is not fard.

Conditions When Ghusl Is Wajib (Obligatory)

  1. Conversion to Islam: If a disbeliever accepts Islam and had experienced major impurity (hadath-e-akbar) before converting, ghusl is wajib unless they already performed a valid ghusl after conversion.

  2. First Wet Dream Before Puberty: If a child experiences a wet dream before turning 15, ghusl is wajib as a precaution. After turning 15, ghusl becomes fard for any wet dreams.

  3. Bathing a Deceased Muslim: Giving ghusl to a deceased Muslim is fard-e-kifayah (a communal obligation).

Conditions When Ghusl Is Sunnah

  1. Friday Ghusl: Recommended after Fajr until Jumuah salah for those upon whom Jumuah is wajib.

  2. Eid Ghusl: Recommended after Fajr on Eid days for those who must perform Eid salah.

  3. Ghusl for Ihram: Sunnah when wearing ihram for Hajj or Umrah.

  4. Arafah Ghusl: Sunnah for those performing Hajj after midday on the 9th of Dhul-Hijjah.

Conditions When Ghusl Is Mustahab (Recommended)

  1. Upon Accepting Islam: If the person is not in a state of major impurity.

  2. Upon Reaching 15 Years Without Signs of Puberty.

  3. After Cupping, Insanity, Intoxication, or Unconsciousness.

  4. After Bathing a Deceased Person.

  5. On the Night of 15th Sha’ban (Shab-e-Bara’at).

  6. When Identifying Laylatul Qadr.

  7. Before Entering Madinah.

  8. Before Staying in Muzdalifah on the 10th of Dhul-Hijjah.

  9. Before Performing Tawaf-e-Ziyarah (during Hajj).

  10. Before Pelting the Shaytan (during Hajj).

  11. Before Offering Salah for Solar/Lunar Eclipse or Rain (Istisqa).

  12. Before Salah in Times of Fear and Calamities.

  13. When Repenting for a Sin.

  14. Upon Returning from a Journey.

  15. Before Attending a Gathering or Wearing New Clothes.

  16. Before Execution (for those sentenced to death).

Rules Concerning Hadath-e-Akbar (Major Impurity)

  1. Entering a Masjid in a State of Major Impurity:

    • It is haram to enter a masjid when ghusl is fard.
    • However, entry is permissible in cases of necessity, such as:
      • If a person’s house opens directly into the masjid and there is no alternative way to exit or stay.
      • If the only available water source (fountain, well, or pond) is inside the masjid.
    • In such cases, tayammum may be performed before entering.
  2. Entering Other Religious Places:

    • It is permissible to enter an Eid-gah, madrasah, or khanqah in a state of major impurity.
  3. Restrictions on Physical Contact During Menstruation or Nifaas (Postnatal Bleeding):

    • It is not permissible to:
      • Look at the area between a woman’s navel and knees.
      • Touch this area if it is uncovered.
      • Have sexual intercourse.
  4. Permissible Interactions with a Menstruating or Nifaas Woman:

    • Allowed:
      • Kissing and other forms of affection.
      • Drinking from the same cup or eating from her leftover food.
      • Sleeping next to her.
      • Touching her body above the navel and below the knees, even if uncovered.
      • Touching the area between the navel and knees if it is covered with clothing.
    • Makruh (disliked): Avoiding the woman completely due to her bleeding.
  5. Doubtful Wetness After Sleep:

    • If a person wakes up with wetness on their private parts but remembers having an erection before sleeping, ghusl is not fard, and the wetness is considered pre-coital fluid (mazi).
    • However, if the wetness is also found on the thighs or clothes, ghusl becomes obligatory.
  6. Uncertain Ownership of Semen on a Shared Bed:

    • If two men, two women, or one man and one woman sleep in the same bed and later discover semen stains, but they do not know whose it is, ghusl is fard on both.
    • Exceptions:
      • If someone had previously slept on the bed.
      • If the semen is already dry.
      • In these cases, ghusl is not fard.
  7. No Private Place for Ghusl:

    • If no secluded place is available, a person must bathe in front of the same gender, even if uncovered.
    • However, it is haram for a man to bathe in front of women or for a woman to bathe in front of men.
    • In such cases, they should perform tayammum instead.

From the Qur’an

  1. Obligation of Ghusl for Major Impurity (Janabah):
    • “And if you are in a state of Janabah (sexual impurity), then purify yourselves.”
      (Surah Al-Ma’idah, 5:6)
    • “O you who have believed, do not approach prayer while you are in a state of Janabah until you have washed your whole body.”
      (Surah An-Nisa, 4:43)
  2. Purification for Worship:
    • “Indeed, Allah loves those who constantly turn to Him in repentance and loves those who purify themselves.”
      (Surah Al-Baqarah, 2:222)

From Hadith

  1. How the Prophet ﷺ Performed Ghusl:
    • Aisha (RA) narrated:
      “When Allah’s Messenger ﷺ performed Ghusl after Janabah, he would start by washing his hands, then pour water with his right hand onto his left hand and wash his private parts. Then he would perform Wudu as for prayer, take water, and run his fingers through his hair to ensure water reached the roots. After that, he would pour water over his head three times and then wash the rest of his body.”
      (Sahih al-Bukhari, Hadith 248; Sahih Muslim, Hadith 316)
  2. Mandatory Ghusl for Certain Impurities:
    • The Prophet ﷺ said: “When a man sits between the four parts of a woman and has intercourse with her, Ghusl becomes obligatory.”
      (Sahih al-Bukhari, Hadith 291; Sahih Muslim, Hadith 348)
  3. Ghusl After Menstruation:
    • Aisha (RA) narrated:
      “The Prophet ﷺ told a woman after her menstruation: ‘Take a bath (Ghusl) and clean yourself thoroughly, then pray.'”
      (Sahih al-Bukhari, Hadith 314; Sahih Muslim, Hadith 332)
  4. Recommendation for Ghusl on Friday:
    • The Prophet ﷺ said: “It is obligatory upon every Muslim to perform Ghusl on Friday, to use a tooth stick (Miswak), and to apply perfume if available.”
      (Sahih al-Bukhari, Hadith 880; Sahih Muslim, Hadith 846)

These references highlight the importance of Ghusl in maintaining both physical and spiritual purity in Islam.

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